
Breast-feeding support: How a partner can help

Content How can I help my family prepare for breast-feeding? What can I do to support my breast-feeding partner? What else can I do?

What can I do to support my breast-feeding partner?

To help your partner breast-feed:

  • Provide encouragement. Support your partner's decision to breast-feed. Remind her that you appreciate the effort involved.
  • Make her comfortable. When your partner is breast-feeding, offer her a pillow, a blanket, a drink of water or anything she might like to have nearby.
  • Get involved in feedings. Carry the baby to your partner. Afterward, burp the baby, change the baby's diaper or help the baby go back to sleep.
  • Care for the baby. Offer to care for the baby, or other children at home, so that your partner can nap between feedings.
  • Take on additional household responsibilities. Consider redividing your household tasks so that your partner has more time to rest.
  • Stick around. Sit near your partner and enjoy the moment together.
  • Listen. Does your partner have breast-feeding concerns? Be a good listener. If necessary, encourage her to seek help from her health care provider or a lactation consultant.